Facts of the Film
The truth is, when filming for a documentary, some of the content and facts don’t make the cut. So when you’ve finished watching a TracingThought Productions film, head over here to “Facts of the Film” and see what extra information and visuals there are to take in.

Hurricane Relief: How to Recover from Two Back-to-Back Hurricanes
Hurricane Laura was a record-breaking Atlantic storm that struck on August 27, 2020, in Cameron, Louisiana. Ensuing were days of devastation and tragedy for the residents of Cameron and surrounding cities. States such as Texas and Florida were also affected by the wide reach of Laura.
Mud to Mortar with ARCHIVE Global
Fact: Replacing dirt floors with cement floors in a household can result in a 78% decrease in parasitic infestation, a 49% decrease in diarrhea, and an 81% decrease in anemia.
![A Day in the Life of an [Illegal] Gold Miner](
A Day in the Life of an [Illegal] Gold Miner
Borneo, Indonesia, is home to some of the most significant gold mining operations. Logistics are often messy and illegal, therefore some native Dayak villagers find themselves hand-making equipment and destroying their homeland to compete for survival.

Behind the Fashion of Punjabi Sikhs || The 5 K’s of Sikhism
Fact: The McDonalds closest to The Golden Temple, Harmandir Sahib, is completely vegetarian. They sell a vegetarian version of the Big Mac called, Maharaja Mac.

Yoga in Bali, Authentic or ?
Fact: Yoga was originally created as a development of practices to train the body and mind to self observe and become aware of their own nature.

Understanding The Kite || Balinese Layang-Layang
Fact: Kites were originally used to send messages to the gods above and are constructed in such a way to depict Hindu gods.